Percentage: Successive Percentage Increase/Decrease
In this article we will learn how to deal with successive percentage increase/ Decrease. Problem based on successive percentage increase/ Decrease are very frequent in competitive examinations. Understanding Successive percent increase/decrease is very important. Since successive percentage increase/decrease is used while solving problems related to Profit, Loss, Discount & Compound Interest problems. Let us understand first concept of Multiplying Factor (M.F.) Multiplying Factor (M.F.) Case 1: When a quantity is increased by certain percentage. A) Suppose we have to increase a value 120 by 10%. What will be the final value? Final Value= Initial Value + 10% of Initial Value = 120 + 10% of 120 =120 (1+ 10%) =120(1+10/100) =120(1.1) =120 x 1.1=132 So now we can say for 10% increase if we multiply initial value by 1.1 we will get our fina